Sunday, January 20, 2013

Graduation and what lies in the future.

As you aware that I've already graduated last year, in November, with the Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts. I've moved back home from Rochester, NY and currently living under my father's house. I am looking for a job to support myself.

However, I don't have a permanent studio where I can continue my works and I'm broke. It's a huge setback for not able to do art. I have a doubt for my future, but I can't give up right now. I do really want to make new works that I can display them in the RIT Senior Exhibition this spring. I hope I didn't miss the goals without realizing it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Time: Book Illustration project

I took this class, Book Illustration, last year. This class was about making your own books or creating a book for your client, so you can publish it to sell. You can make a comic books, a picture book for children, and some others that focused on genre or audience. It's a mixture of graphic design and illustration.

My project was On Time. A concept of a illustrated book about John Milton's poem, On Time and used this poem to tell the visual story of a German U-boat.

Front page of On Time query letter.
Back page of On Time query letter

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Graduation and the bad news.

The great news that I want to tell you all:

I graduated three weeks ago and I got the degree, Bachelor of Fine Arts. From now on, I got to find a job.

Anyway, for the bad news.

One of my hard drives just died and I lost all my documents, my photographs of my works, and even my resume for job hunting. I have to start over again.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Leman Russ Battle Tank

Well, my pride of my work. (Not really.)

I finished painting the Imperial Guard Leman Russ battle tank by doing the overalls, adding details, weathering it, and touching it up.

More paintings in progress

Please forgive me for the long delay and not able to post more for a month. I've been busy at college because it's my last quarter before graduating with the BFA degree. Anyway, I would like to show my progress with my three paintings so far. Please excuse me with the quality of the images because I took it from my phone.

Progress with the oil painting on canvas

The progress of this painting is that I started it during the summer. I was focused on the color red, orange, and the hints of yellow.

During that progress last month, I decided to darken  the areas to focus contrast, with the suggestion by my teacher.

The beginning of the NCR ranger's portrait progress during summer.

Working on the details of the masks and the visor part with the glow.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Warhammer 40,000 model painting.

As you know that I'm the Warhammer 40,000 player and I do have Space Marines and Imperial Guard models. My painting skills with these models was hard, but not difficult. I've been improving my skills there.

Ultramarines Dreadnaught

Ultramarines Tactical Squad

Soldiers of 349th Cadian Panzergrenadiers 

Progress with painting faces 
Panzergrenadier Sniper

Sniper's camo cloak

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

NCR Ranger Portrait work in progress part 2

Here's the color comp for the NCR Ranger portrait. The reason for the color comp is to help me get the idea to see where the light come from and the shadows setting in before I start painting.

Color comp for the portraits